l i b r a r y
important topics regarding politics, history, human rights, personal freedoms, etc. in loose order.
Artisanal Intelligence: what's the deal with AI art?
global expressions of gender&sex
The Samoan Faʻafafine
Hijra, India's 3rd gender
Muxes from the Zapotec cultures of Oaxaca (southern Mexico)
Kathoeys of Thailand
What Chinese Opera Can Teach Us About Gender
Enaree, of the Scythians of Siberia
The 3rd Gender in Africa
The Six Genders in Ancient Jewish Thought
Boy-Wives and Female Husbands: Studies of African Homosexualities
love and intimacy in late 19th and early 20th century Kwazulu-Nata
The Splendor of Gender Non-Conformity In Africa
Male Daughters, Barren Women and Virgins
The Forgotten Trans History of the Wild West
History of nonbinary gender
sex & gender constructs
Constructing the Hetero, Homo, & Bi System
The Physical Sex Spectrum
Erasing Intersex: Christian Theology and Sexual Empire
No Girls Allowed:, Unraveling the story behind the stereotype of video games being for boys
colonialism & impacts
The American Roots of Nazi Eugenics
The History of Contraception
Black (American) Linguistics: a twitter thread
The Catholic Church Has No Moral Argument on Abortions
Settlers: The Mythology of the White Proletariat
china & the uyghur "genocide"
Xinjiang: A Report and Resource Compilation--
there was no tiananmne square massacre
What really happened in the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests-- via Amnesty International UK
Debunking the Uyghur Genocide Myth