age: 30s
location: dc
orientation: cishet, grayro
ethnicity: dougla ;)
occupation: neteng
politics: socialist
religion: n/a

extended ⬇ ⬇

i feel like my interests are firmly split between the present and the past. i'm into gaming, FOSS tech, and other stuff in that realm, but i also like gardening and bushcrafting and messing with low-tech and "old world" stuff. i also really like traditional ethnic fashion. being pretty socialist, i'm pretty anti-cap & anti-imperialism. i have big feelings data privacy, right to repair, planned obsoletion, generative AI, etc. i've been to 14 countries. i like languages and i'm learning to speak a few. i have 1 spicy calico cat. also, i still take COVID-19 precautions, and you should too.

fun stuff

foods: noodles, stir fry, rice, flatbread, sweet + spicy
video games: Silent Hill, The Elder Scrolls, Animal Crossing, SWTOR, DDR/Stepmania
weather: spring & fall, mild temps
music genres: math rock, classical, calypso, chutney, lofi, ambient
scent(s): lavender, coconut, honeysuckle
OS: Fedora, Mint
DE: Cinnamon, XFCE